Sunday 6 June 2021

Park run Cairns

 The start was 1.8km from our motel so we left at 6.10am. They usually have about 220 to 230 but there are lots of people visiting and the numbers swelled to 380.

It was in two laps, 1.5 out and return but not on the same track, then 1k out and return. There is a board walk along the fore shore and a few metres away through the park is a concrete path.

Warren is in the last shot. The dress was green shorts and blue top., in honour of a member who had passed away. 

We walked back afterwards, stopping for coffee where a young famiky of four ordered breakfast. Kuds were about eight and ten and all had done the park run. We dont know them but they were wearing our local running shirts. Breakfast cost them $91, eating out sure is expensive here. We have been doing a mixture some meals out, some things bought from supermarket.   

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