Wednesday 23 June 2021


 A very tiny little place on the coast. Lovely caravan park but poor mobile and tv reception. The cp had activities during the week but not on the weekend when we were there.

There was however four caches, one a mystery with a difference, we needed water for that one. A nice walk of about 300 m from the van. It was an easy find but then we had to work out how to open it. Someone had said they had been there for an hour. It looked like an electric jug with a collar and we both had the same thought, did the collar turn or twist. It did! Inside was another solid looking canister, we poured the water in and the canister rose up so we were able to grab it and pull it out. Signed log and we were off to the beach to  find the second one. 

Back to the camp site and a drive into town, got within 500m and it was a 4wd road only in. We walked, the cache descprition did suggest keeping an eye out for crocs. Lots of 4wds at the end of tge road as it was a boat launch place into a creek that then went out to the sea.

Next one took much longer, again a walk to the beach. There were rocks and Warren said he would go up. I was happy to leave it.

I walked on further and found an easier way up without going up the rocks.
It had not be found for several months and I calked it quits but someone said he would have one more look.  Yep, he got it. 

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