Thursday 24 June 2021

Gin Gin

 We pulled in here on the way up for morning tea and discovered that in the town centre, there were parks for caravanners on both sides of the road. Brilliant. Parklands, seating, kids playgrounds and toilets in the middle. 

Obviously some one was thinking and there were heaps of people pulled in there and of course buying coffee or eats. 

We aimed for Gin Gin on our way home and decided to buy lunch and drinks. Had to queue at the bakery to be served. We had the choice of a cafe or the bakery and Warren choose the bakery, he was about eight in line so I left him to it and wandered off up the road to find the only cache in Gin Gin.

Pasties and a shared doughnut went down rather well and we arrived at the picnic table at about the same time.

Bit hard to tell from the photo but great spot to stop.

Our car is the red one with the through traffic continuing past.

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