Monday 14 June 2021

Packing the camper

 After dinner at Hogs Breathe, that is a weird name for a restaurant, I had nachos. Ages since I have made or eaten those as Warren cant eat corn chips. Buggar it! I guess I could do it for myself and make him something different but I have had my fix for awhile. Home reasonably early to see Warren footy team in front so we watched the rest of the game.

We didnt have far to go the next day so werent in that much of a hurry to leave.

Got away ay 10.40am, lunch at our usual spot, when we have stopped there before, its been for morning tea.

I took over the driving then, many trips before when I drive, it starts to rain but this time it was roadworks! Didnt have to stop but the speeds changed from 100 to 60 and back again, getting into a nice groove and then more speed changes. I reckon there were about a dozen times it changed. 

We turned towards the coast and I was thinking of settling down with a hot chocolate to watch whatever footy was going to be shown and realised we had not packed the TV. Disaster! Last time we took the tv but no remote. Have often said while we are away that we should make a packing list but never done it. 

Warren had rung the caravan park that he had picked and secured the last spot. It was at Toogoom, apparently it is pronounced Tagoom. 

  We were a block away from the beach.

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