Sunday 13 June 2021


 We stumbled into the pub on the corner. No, we had not been drinking but I think the pub had unless it was its age.

It was over a hundred years old with small steps into each area, nit sure if that was in the original structure or if it had been added to over the years.

I indulged and ordered the grilled barramundi and a beer. No light xxxx, had go make do with Cascade, the only light beer that they sold. Cascade is a Tassie beer that I had had before.

Back on the train at 3.30, I didnt take any photos of the station, my bad, as it is one if the prettiest station I have seen with lots of hanging baskets of ferns and other greenery. 

The train took one hour and forty minutes to get back to Cairns, very slow and very scenic. There were at least two areas where the line is the only thing suspended between the hills. At one stage it stopped so people could take photos.

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