Friday 27 March 2020

Tricky things in Tassie

We headed out early on Saturday morning, we had things to do and were also mindful that we had no spare tyre and had to get the flat either repaired or replaced. Tyre places opened at 9am and also closed at 11.30am on Saturdays.

We discovered we were quite close to the Cadbury factory as we had both done the tour and bought a box of chocolate years before, today this was not the aim.

At a park, we were directed to a massive tree.
We were looking for something small! On the ground were lots of gum nuts, surely not! I picked a couple up and they were just gum nuts. Then I saw a big larger one under the root that is in the foreground and yep, there was a small tube at the back it, wedged in so that it did not go anywhere, sneaky.

 Signed and off to the next one which took us to the edge of the water where we saw a seal swimming in the water. We thought it was a dog at first but as we continued to watch we realised that it was a seal enjoying the sunshine on his sleek body, diving in and out.

Our next one took us to another park and the hint said "not at the tree and dont force it". We were headed for a lonely tree near a fence line and i repeated the hint out loud. Dah, head slap as there was a tap on the fence and I looked down and while the pipe went almost to the ground it was not attached. Sneaky thing!
We didn't find as many caches as we hoped to, due to rain cold and tyre issues but we did add a mixture of visuals, letterboxes 24 of those, earth caches, some challenges and lastly an event. About 48 in all oh and a first to find. I had worked on puzzles to make a tassie devil, 86 of them, some that I couldnt or didnt know how to do, I turned over to Sheridan but they will have to wait for another time.

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