Tuesday 3 March 2020


A favourite  meal but with one of the main ingredients being corn chips, it's no longer on our menu plan. I wondered if I could come up with something similar.

I cooked mince with some frozen spinach. Baked grated cheese mixed with an egg, this was a bit thicker than I intended but the taste was okay.

Topped with avocado and some sour cream, it wasn't too bad. No corn chips and no beans.

I tried a new recipe for chocolate pudding. It came from a Keto recipe book, very easy.

Started with 200ml of coconut milk, 2 tablespoons of cocoa, 2 tablespoons of fake sugar, cinnamon (I used nutmeg as I didn't have any cinnamon) vanilla, salt and an avocado. Funny thing, it tasted like there was some type of alcohol in it. We both remarked on it, maybe I was a little heavy handed with the vanilla. I added sliced strawberries and cream. Yum.

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