Wednesday 18 March 2020

Time to say goodbye

When we were in Canada, two and a half years ago, doesn't time fly, I bought a pair of crocs. These were so different to any that I had seen before and so much cheaper than home.

I wore them a lot. The soles have been getting quite thin and I knew the time had to come that they had to go but I kept wearing them, thinking that it would be the last time.

Yesterday, I was taking Warren and Lucy on a walk to check on two of our caches, due to the recent rains, I thought that some of the path may have water over it. Best shoes for this? Yep, you guessed it, my crocs.
They are can't see me ones as well.
I had forgotten that while it is a well defined path, much of it is pebbled. It was 1.5kms to the end, which we didnt get to as the path turned to a lake plus a large tree branch was down over it. As we were only 200 metres from the end and we had done what we needed to do, we turned back. My feet were sore as well from the stones.
 I had worn a hole and soles were very thin. Warren suggested that he put them in the bin. A good idea as I probably would have kept using them.
Will be shopping for a new pair when we visit Canada next.

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