Sunday 29 March 2020

Birds while out and about.

Yesterday Lucy and I headed to the lake for a long walk. I figured that we were less likely to see anyone or if we did, its a bigger area to avoid close contact.

There were a few people out walking their dogs but all were several metres away, not even close enough to give a quick hello.

I was amazed at the number of birds, I guess because of the lack of people. At one point we were to cross a footbridge and there was a family of ducks waddling across, I was very proud of Lucy as she sat down on the grass and waited until they got off the bridge and all glided into the water.
Later we saw pea hens with chicks.
 Just as we were leaving a couple of families brought their kids down with scooters and one had a picnic. There was no one playing on the play equipment.

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