Monday 23 March 2020

Mt Wellington Tassie

Last time I was in Hobart it was November and as we came out of the conference, we could see that it was snowing on Mt Wellington. I had never ventured up there before but we had an virtual cache to capture so up we went. It is only 20 kms from Hobart mostly up.

T was cold and we knew it would be colder up there, some locals told us that it can be 10 degrees colder at the summit.
This was the trig point that we needed, the photo was takin from the car as we were trying to convince ourselves to get out and up there.
I got to within 15 metres where the nice concrete path ended and would have needed to scramble over wet, slippery rocks. I sent my photo to the co and stated that on a day like that I wasnt going any further and if I didnt get the smiley, that was just too bad. He came back and said that as he didnt want to be responsible for anyone going apex over base, he considered I had fulfilled the requirement. Oh, shucks.

I took a photo of the cars temp when we got back inside and it was 6 degrees, hello people, it's still summer/Autumn. 

Nice scenery on the way down. 

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