Wednesday 11 March 2020

Bread and butter pudding.

Yuk! Growing up this was one of our staple desserts along with salgo pudding, baked custard, rice pudding, jam roly poly. All if them I would have preferred to go without but cant waste good food so my memories as a kid was being left at the table until my bowl was empty or Mum took pity on me. I did miss a lot of washing up duties though so that was a bonus.

Warren was also brought up on these and loved them. Junket was a favourite of his, which involved putting a flavoured tablet into warm milk. Again yuk from me.

I saw a cooking program a few weeks ago for a b&b pudding and it looked quite easy. When we had friends for dinner a few days ago, I decided to make it as I thought they would like it as well. I had never made a custard before either as I don't like that.

The recipe was a little "upmarket" and used cherries rather than sultanas. I thought it looked a little dry but I was told that it was good. I did not even have a taste!
This was what was left for Warren for the following day. It wont become a regular on our menu but glad that I gave it a whirl. It did take five eggs, made five serves. 

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