Wednesday 6 June 2018


Warren asked me where I wanted to stay for our last night before London. Like I had a preference! Then I remembered, years ago when we were in London before, we or rather he had a job to do which involved taking some sailing equipment to Swindon on the train. I went with him and then the day was our own, I know we did some shopping and bought my eternity ring somewhere in Swindon. So I said lets go to Swindon.

It is about an hour and a half from the heart of London or at least Heathrowe.

Warren did his magic and found a nice studio apartment. It was easy to get to and had a washing machine fridge and microwave. Nice to be able to wash some clothes.

Swindon has a computing museum and put the address into the gps, it was not that far. A couple of false starts and we found an actual car park, used the rest of our small change and got an hour twenty. Luckily the car park was pretty close, sign on the door says use other door, had to walk right around to discover it was only open Friday and Saturdays.

I said well lets find a cache, there was one near by near this building.
After we found it, it was straight to London as we figured there could be hold ups on the road. Able to check into our hotel that the travel agent booked for us which is very close to airport and the hire car place. Delivered the car and walked back to hotel.

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