Tuesday 5 June 2018

Steam train

Driving around the coast line today we headed for Swanage knowing nothing about it but we thought we would find something to do there.

As usual parking was an issue.
Finally we found a place to park and we walked down to the beach and museum. I looked around while Warren chatted and discovered that there was a steam train that went up into the countryside to and past a castle. Sounded like a fun thing to do.

This was our train coming in, they had to take the engine off and then move it to the other end.
Almost ready to go, nice comfy seats.
The ruins of the castle, a lot of people got off here but continued to the end one more stop and then the turn around to go back. £13 return ticket and £1 each way for dogs, a lot of people had their dogs on board. One couple that we were chatting to, had three dogs.

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