Sunday 24 June 2018

Chloe the cow

When we stayed at a bnb in Gretna, I was very taken by the art work in the room. It was Chloe the cow.
I looked up the artist and read up about him. He had done a series of the Highland cows. When we went for breakfast the next morning, there was another one called Charlie in the dining room.

Heading south, we stopped at Barnstaple and walked through a small alleyway, we saw a gallery and in the window was a cow but in muted colours. I went in to ask if it was a Stephen Brown (name of the artist). The girl hadnt heard of Stephen Brown but told me the artwork was done by a local person from magazines. I bought one and luckily it fitted into the top of my suitcase.

I asked Warren if he could make a frame for it. This is the result.
He cut the wood using old fence palings from when we changed the side fence and then white washed it. It has not been hung as yet but will go in the dining room. 

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