Friday 1 June 2018

Car Boots Sales

Driving down a secondary road this morning, we saw signs for car boot market. If we could get there, we would go. The signs were far enough out to get into the right lane, yay we are going to a car boot sale.

There was a line up to get in, we figured that we probably had to pay something and when it was our turn, I asked the young guy how much. When he said a pound, I realised that was what he said in the first place but I didnt catch it. I had a few coins in my hand so handed over the shiny coin. They are quite pretty mainly silver with gold around the outside. More like aluminum and bronze.

We parked up and walked in. Of course we weren't buying anything just looking as mindful of weight restrictions etc etc.
Warren did buy some fruit, three peaches for £1 and also four mandrins for another £1 except they called them satsumas. I only know satsumas as plums.
It felt muggy so he had to take his jacket off, the rain came later.

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