Tuesday 12 June 2018

London 3

After we had discovered the little pub, we sat on a street corner under the shade of a tree. It was quite hot and we had walked quite a way.

Taking in the sights, we noticed a group of business men about eight or ten of them on the footpath, chatting and looking at their phones. Then we noticed another bigger group off to the side, this group had a couple of women as well but again everyone had their phones out, lot of chat and checking their phones.

A guy dressed all in black, black jeans and black shirt seemed to be in charge and was going between both groups. The first group suddenly all moved away still with their phones out. The guy in black then came to the second group, after a few minutes they did the same.

We were intrigued about what they were doing and as the guy in black didnt go with them and he had moved closer to where we were sitting, we asked what they had been doing.

The guy told us that they were chasing or doing Pokeman Go! These men were from the ages of mid thirties with a couple of guys in their late sixties, all were wearing suit and ties, the women also looked professorial. I would have guessed their occupations to be lawyers, doctors or property brokers.

The guy in black told us that there were two gyms, one on one corner where we were and there was another one on the next corner and they were waiting for the two to come into sync which didnt happen very often. He had already recorded it the last time so he was telling them of his experience which may have helped them.

I didnt think pokeman was still a thing any more and it was surprising their ages and status.

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