Tuesday 5 June 2018

Pizza in Weymouth

Bit of a funny place, heaps of cafes to eat at during the day but dinners are very different. There was an Italian restaurant across the road from our guest house on the water front. We headed there around dinner time however the menu that they had posted was less than desirable and rather expensive.

We moved on by then most cafes had closed. I was keen on fish and chips but Warren had had a headache from the time before so we gave that a miss.

We saw a self serve restaurant roast pork with vege for £6.95 sounded good so we wandered in. Saw two guys serving up meals but none were what was offered on the boards outside. We stood around like a stale bottle, there was another young guy doing not much maybe he was waiting to clear down tables. A girl was making drinks and refused to make eye contact. I could have spoken up and asked but I was annoyed by then so I said to Warren rather loudly that no one wanted to assist us so we were leaving and then walked out.

Maccas was an option but we decided to go back to fish and chip place and Warren would have a hamburger, we had walked about a kilometre and a half so turned back.

Surprise, surprise a pizza place with no customers. We wandered in, got a welcome from the girl behind the counter and asked if we wanted to order. Yes, they could do hot chocolate would we like cream on top.

This was our pizza, we almost finished it.
The place was trying to an old fashioned American pizza parlour I think, the decor was all route 66 with 60s rock and roll music playing.
However the food was good, service was good and cheerful and the price was pretty good too. Fifteen quid for pizza, garlic bread and two hot chocolates.

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