Saturday 2 June 2018

Pt Isaccs

We headed off this morning to go to Pt Isaccs, it is the site of the Doc Martin series filming and the scenery looks amazing.

GPS told us to go left out of the golf course, seems a bit odd but we followed along. It was a road but so tiny and windy. Glad I wasnt driving, I was dreading meeting a large tractor or any other vehicle for that matter.

Her in the box says take a sharp left, we couldnt even see a turn, whoops, yes there is one a very sharp left and quite steep as well, finally we got onto a wider road. Then she said go right and again it was a very tiny road, had to pull over a couple of times to let oncoming traffic pass and one time a car had to back up so we could continue, rather nerve wracking.

Around a couple of corners and there was Pt Isaccs.
Yellow lines mean you cant park.
Three tiers of parking which was paid parking and highly sought after, we are further down in our Mercedes (just had to put that in, just imagine a merc for a hire car!)
Lots if people around as it is half term school holidays. 
Apparently, there is a map that the post office has that people can walk around and all the buildings that were used, we walked the headland a bit then bought an ice cream for lunch before continuing on.

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