Sunday 12 June 2016

A Change in Terrain

We left Mt Surprise this morning heading East to Atherton, It was a nice morning and we were dressed in shorts and T shirts as usual. The first eighty ks were pretty flat with low bushes and trees with lots of large rocks.

Then we started to have some hills, the foliage changed, much more and ferns, suddenly it seemed that we were going from hot dry rocky red ground to tropical with lots of green gras large trees and big ferns.

Still climbing and then we saw a wind farm haven't seen one of those since we were in southern Western Australian, then we realised that while we could see some of them, there were others that we could only see the shaft, the arms were in the cloud or fog.

The road was becoming very windy as well as narrower. I was glad that I wasnt driving.

Arrived and cooked lunch, as it was feeling a little cool. had to find a jumper and then just after lunch it started raining, haven't seen rain since late January. Big changes in terrain and temperatures and we only traveled two hundred kms.

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