Tuesday 14 June 2016

Atherton Tablelands North and east

It was a wet and windy day but we had things to see and do so we put on a jumper and went out. First stop was Tinaroo dam, this was a memory stop as we had camped on the edge of the lake about thirty something years ago and while it was a great spot, we had not been back until today.

Warren made me get out and take a photo, I did suggest that we walk across the dam wall but it was not open to the general public, what a shame (thank goodness)

Tolga was the next point of call to visit a peanut place and a gem gallery. Tolga is a tiny place and we just had to have a coffee while we got our bearings. We realised we werent far away from the gallery so took the opportunity to walk hoping that the rain wasnt going to come down on us.
This is what i bought there, a glass blown pendant, I have a leather strap at home to hang it on, it was a nice gallery. The nut place was further on but we gave it a miss in the end.

Onwards to Marreeba to the coffee works.
It smelt good and lots of different goodies in the shop, very up market stuff, a couple of pieces I liked but not the prices. The tour to do the coffee factory was $19 and we thought no we wouldnt do it, as Warren said there were probably coffee tasting that would keep me a wake for three weeks. We didnt even feel like lunch at that time.
Not often that one gets the chance (or would want to) to get up close and personal with a brahnam bull. This was in the park coming into Mareeba, they weigh around 500kgs when sold for market.

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