Saturday 11 June 2016


We bought a license yesterday so we could go and fossick. The area was about 45 kms from here with most of it on country (read gravel) roads.

The creek bed was dry with some patches of water, we selected a spot and walked down to it and then we heard voices. There was a young family just up the bed and he was about a metre down, they had obviously started much earlier than us. We went to say hello and of course find out if they had had any luck. He said that they had found a couple of small ones so they were there. "They" being topaz.

We wandered back to our first spot which was about one hundred metres from them. It was so quiet and still except for the birds.
Warren looking in hope.
Hum, that looks interesting.
We dug and sieved (read Warren dug)and ended up with a bucketful of stones that we will put into our tumbler when we get home.
I decided to drive home to give me more practice in the ute, not that I am intending to drive with the caravan in tow but it was quiet so I took the opportunity. Oops, there were two water crossings that I had forgotten about, this was one but it was solid underneath so no dramas at all.
The other issue were the cattle, big or fully grown no problems but the calves are more skittish and really they dont even know what direction they will take.

I put the GPS on to come back, dont know why but it said that it would take until 15.29 to get back to caravan park. We started at 11.29 am so four hours to do 45 kms, must have thought I was going to crawl along at 10 to 15 kpm. We had some photo stops and on to check out a spot in the paddock and we arrived back at 12.20 pm, silly GPS.

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