Friday 17 June 2016


Wow, this city has grown and is quite the grown up version of a small city which it was when we lived here, only thirty odd years ago.

We entertained ourselves by going back to old houses and haunts. The first house that we owned looks much the same except that it now has a large fence between the back and the front and it appears that some one has made the downstairs garage into a room.

The married quarter that we lived in again has a nice fence between front and back, when we lived there it had a fence but a cyclone one, it is now cream instead of green but other than that no different.

The biggest change and it was like it when we visited eight years ago is the big shopping centre built on a large empty block except for a water park. Sitting on our balcony we could hear kids on the slides. It was very popular at first then went into a decline until it was closed and sold off and now it is a massive shopping centre. The bigger shops where I used to shop have been increased and are also very big.

The office where I used to work is no longer there well it probably is but has been turned into shops rather than a shop front office.

The school where they kids went had gotten bigger and now has a community kindergarten and childcare attached and finally a car park, it used to be a nightmare getting a park to pick up the kids on the occasions that I did collect them.

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