Monday 27 June 2016

Carnarvan Gorge

For the last years Warren has wanted to visit here and has mentioned it often. It was too far away for our shake down trips because with me still working three days a week, four days wasn't long enough to get out there. Travelling south we came quite close to it and we scheduled in to stay at the Gorge for two nights to give some decent time to do some of the walks.

When we remembered that it was school holidays, we thought that we should book, ahh! they were booked out. Plan B was to stay at Rolleston which is the closest town, 100k away and drop in for a couple of hours before continuing on to Roma.

It was 60k down the main highway and then 40k or so to the west. We left about 8 am and even at that hour did have to look out for kangaroos, one pair Warren had to brake quite hard to avoid hitting the second on and they are bigger in this area.

The road got narrow after we turned to the West and after about fifteen kms we lost the bitumen and it became the worst gravel road we have travelled on and we have been on quire a bit of gravel in our time.

It was up hill and down, thru water crossings, thankfully not deep. The road was getting worse and we were worried about the caravans. Finally we got to the turn to the caravan park, the entrance to the gorge was another ten kms further on, Chris and Sheri were waiting for us as we had had pull over to  let a van go thru, had a quick debrief and decided that we didnt want to go any further so we turned around and went back over the horrible road again with Warren saying that he could not beleive that a major tourist place would have such a bad road to it.
We followed three vans out,
The eighty kilometers off the highway took two hours to drive, sometimes we were down to 20 kms an hour.
Warren said that we would leave it for another time, my comment was like never and he agreed.
The highway when we got back to it was very much appreciated.

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