Tuesday 7 June 2016

To Normanton

Yesterday we took off for Normanton and it was surprising the wildlife that we saw, not what I expected.

A camel, large as life and then I saw a mob? of them about fifteen, I know kangaroos are a mob but I dont know what is a group of camels, ha, looked it up and it is a herd of camels.

Many large eagles on the road or nearby, they were getting the road kill and there was a quite a bit of that.

A few of these around while most were camped under trees in the shade so nothing to worry about.
Hundreds of termite mounds but not very high, these were no more than a metre but just heaps of them. Many that we have seen have had shirts or jackets put on them. One place back in NT there was a stretch of several kilometres and red T shirts were dotted here and there over them, probably a couple of hundred red shirts.

Stopping at the Burke and Wills Roadhouse for lunch fuel and a break, parking was at a premuim as it is THE place to stop around the half way mark. two hundred from Normanton and three hundred from the Isa, this is the only fuel place after Cloncurry.

Warren got fuel while I ordered lunch and then he had to park about two hundred metres away. Very busy little place and only a couple working it.

Further up the road we/I started seeing kangaroos on the side of the road, which was odd as it was warm outside and about 2 pm. The first two Warren didnt see but that was fine as they were on the side but the third one decided to hop across the road, while I am yelling ROO! ROO! ROO! he is going down through the gears and braking, missing the roo by two or three metres in the end. The roos that we saw, altogether we saw eight, all on their own in a space of half an hour, were quite small and light coloured, the colour of the dry grass, standing in shade, they were hard to see. East though to see why there was so much roadkill as there were lots of roadtrains. 

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