Tuesday 23 February 2016

Wildlife in the York

There are heaps of it here.
Bit hard to see but there is a string ray in the top right of the photo. We had seen an eagle ray the day before but didnt have my camera with me. The string ray is round like a dinner plate and the eagle ray has pointed fins. Its amaxing what can be seen on a walk out the jetty and along the breakwaters.
Two or three seals seem to be in residence off the rocks of the breakwater, I did use my zoom but even so he is only about three metres away, this is the smaller one.
Pelicans waiting for a feed from the guys who were cleaning fish.
Then there was this guy, just lucky to get a shot in as he flew off just after, he must have thought I was getting too close.
We have been snorkling earlier in the afternoon and had seen quite a lot of small fish. I dont snorkle often and have never done it in southern seas but it was good, water was fine. Kids need to get used to snorkling as we are booked in to do swimming with the whales over in WA.

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