Friday, 26 February 2016

Port Germein

We packed early today as we awake and had a fair way to go. We don't hurry when we are packing up and we have discovered that if we do we will forget to do something so its pretty leisurely and we were ready to pull out by 8.30 am. Last thing before leaving,  is a lights check. Blinkers, yep check, tail lights yep check, brakes, brakes? what was he doing? there was a yell from the front. Oh dear he had been testing the brakes but there was no lights happening.

Out comes the tool box etc etc, he was fiddling while I was looking up the nearest Auto electrican or RACQ (RAA in sth Aussie). Give it another go, yep working thank goodness but then no blinkers. Not a problem as he then knew what the problem was, took the connector apart again and tightened all the wires and yes then we had lift off or at least could go. So much for our early start, left around 9.30 am which is our usual time.

Morning tea was at Port Germein or Port Germie as the GPS says it. As I discovered the other day it has the longest jetty in the Southern Hemisphere, it says it is 1536 metres long, wikipedia says 1.67kms, whatever it is, its a loooong way.
We didnt have time to walk it so we walked to the jetty start and took a photo. There is about 200 metres of dirt before getting to the actual jetty, possibly where the confusion lays.
This is an automatic tide indicator and was in use up until 1986

Visiting the toilets I saw a mural on the outside wall.
I am amazed at these murals besides the fact that they are well done, the other thing that I realized today that impresses me about them is there is no graffiti on or around them, how fantastic is that?

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