Sunday 14 February 2016

St Kilda Adventure Playground

A free adventure playground for kids of all ages. It was a cool day today and we had talked about going out somewhere for a picnic lunch so we combined the two.
Jordan is up the top among other kids.
Warren and Aidan came down this but I think I missed them.

It was about 45 minutes away from the caravan park but well worth it.
On the way we drove past Scotties motel. Love Scotties ever since we went there to stay for a night soon after we were married, yep! That long ago!
Warren had stayed there once for work and they all pigged out on oysters kilpatrick, work was picking up the tab!
When we stayed there a year or so later, he suggested I try them, yum! love them but unfortunately Warren cant eat them any more because of the soy and his gluten stuff.

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