Monday, 29 February 2016

Nullabor Road house

This is where we are camped tonight. Dropped into Ceduna on the way, our jockey wheel had become very stiff and hard to wind as we didnt want to be in a spot where it no longer functioned, we bought another one. $39 to set minds at rest is not a great deal of money. We kept going as we had had to past a couple of caravans that that been going much slower than us and another one that seemed to be creeping all of the road, fortunately he was tending to go more left than right but we didnt want stones thrown up plus his top speed was around 72. We didnt want to have to pass them again.

We headed for Nundroo Roadhouse to fill up and have lunch.
There was a bar at the Nundroo Roadhouse and these models, fashioned out of beer cans had pride of place on the bar, the plane was in a display cabinet.

Here are the vans
It was a nice 27 degrees. I had been dreading travelliang across the Nullabor because of the heat but so far all good. The temp did get to 33 around 2 pm but only for a short time then dropped back to 30, we pulled up here around three. 
Had been concerned about where or not we needed to book a spot but a question put to a couple of forums assured us that there was no need.
$30 a night and one dollar for a shower, there is no water supplied for the vans but thats not a drama.

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