Saturday 27 February 2016

Cowell to Streaky Bay

Today was another travel day as we had the extra days in Point Turton. We were heading to Elliston as Warren had read somewhere that the cornish pasties at the bakery in Elliston were good. He even marked it on out map so of course we had to go there.

I had packed morning tea though to have on the way, I used to pack it (MT) in our wheely insuled bag but found it too big, so I used a plastic shopping bag but the flask and everything was too loose. This morning I decided to use one of the plastic buckets that we bought at Bunnings (they would be really handy, hadnt found a use for them yet). The flask stood up, the cups alongside, two sachets of coffee, a spoon and a container of biscuits, altogether in one handy carry hold all. All was left for Warren to grab was the milk for the car fridge.

Anyway we stopped on the road from Cleve to Lock, not a bad road quite wide and bitumen, not one car, truck, caravan or even a horse passed on the road while we were stopped, it was magic and very very quiet.

Ninety minutes later we pulled into Elliston and I reminded Warren it was after twelve on a Saturday. He looked at me in disbelief, surely they would not be closed! The grocery shop alongside was but luckily the bakery was still open and had one pastie left, we took that and a steak and kidney pie and shared them at the foreshore. Lovely little place with clear blue skies and deep blue sea, a very nice 24 degrees.

Streaky bay was much the same when we got there after another hundred or so kms

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