Wednesday 14 January 2015


Last night we went to see this kids movie. We had been introduced to the four penguins in the Madagascar movies a few years ago and this was just about the penguins.

Of course there were many families with kids and then there was us, two sixty plus old farts asking for tickets to the Penguins.

Warren had bought a movie ticket for $50 to give to some-one for Christmas but on discussion we decided that they probably wouldn't use it and so gifted then some wine instead. I figured they could regift it if it wasn't to their liking. We used the movie gift card last night even buying and ice cream (dessert) and a drink to share and we still have money left.

The young guy at the counter asked us (as he put some seniors cards through the machine) why Penguins? we both replied because they're funny!

It was a good laugh, completely unrealistic (I hope) but just so funny and fast moving, the music score was good as well and there were small clips back to other movies or references which kids wouldnt know but we did.

Warren was chatting to people at tennis today who had been but had taken their grandkids, that was their excuse.

If you want a good laugh go see it, def worth it.

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