Monday 5 January 2015

Training it

Volunteering at the tennis and there is little parking available for us so we are taking the train, its also less stressful and free although it does take a little longer.

Friday was our first official day and we had arranged to meet a fellow volunteer on a certain carriage, he had not travelled on the trains here before and had had to buy a Go card for the first time. Its funny how we all get used to things pretty quickly but F was rather nervous esp when the tracks change and it does give quite a bang, he nearly hit the roof but we assured him that everything was okay.

Although we had been told our accreditation cards would get us free travel, the cards stated 4 Jan and we were travelling on the second (for qualifying games). I was concerned that it may not cover so I asked at the station office. he told me that it said from the 4 Jan but he said that if it was him (in our place) he would just get on and we would be working.

twenty minutes into our trip, the ticket police came on and we were all teasing each other that we could end up in a cell somewhere. I couldn't believe how many younger people either didn't have tickts or had concession tickets/cards but couldnt produce their concession cards. One girl who appeared to be in her late twenties just told them that he didnt have a ticket, no reason was given and when he was writing her out a fine, she kept saying that t didn't matter as she wouldn't pay it anyway. Not once she look at the guy while he was talking to her and she was on her phone, either texting or looking at something.

Came across the aisle to us took one look and said "oh you guys are right" and continued on.

Later that night, arriving home on the train, I thought I could see from the platform that lights on the car were on, damn and blast they were, thankfully only the parkers. Turned A/C and radio off and it started without losing a beat, been on from 11am til about 8.15pm.

The lights turn off when the car is locked however a few months ago we started having issues with the button lock sometimes it would lock and sometimes not so we ditched the button and use only the key and after Friday we have discovered that the key locking does not turn off the lights, lesson learnt and fortunately we were not left stranded with a flat battery

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