Tuesday 20 January 2015

Chicken Snizichel

I don't even know how to spell it but I was over them. The last time i went shopping at Meat City, I bought lots of these and found when packing them for the freezer that I didn't have enough containers for single serves so I did a few in one larger container.

I put freezer paper between them so i could just get enough out for one meal, pretty smart hey? Except that last week, I pulled out the Whole container and didn't realize really what i had done until they were thawed. Result was three meals and one lunch the meat being chicken. I mixed it up and had salad one night, mashed potato and hot vegetables the next night, followed by chicken (again) and my version of fried rice, then the last for lunch today with salad. Finally we can eat something different! I selected some mince from the freezer this morning for the evening meal, so far so good.

Tidying one of the "hot spots" this afternoon (a buzz word which means an area that always seems to be messy)I discovered a voucher that I had been sent from the local club that we belong to, it was a free meal for one purchased, yep, we'll do that. Then i read the fine print, it was only available on Monday and Tuesdays until the end of the month.

I asked Warren if he was cooking tonight, he said "Okay where do you want t eat?" then i told him about the voucher. Off we went for an early dinner and on the menu for specials was Chicken Schnitzel! done in different ways, I choose the one with garlic prawns and Warren had Hawaiian. With the voucher, the meals cost us $12 and we did have a drink which was a few more dollars but no prep and no dishes, yay!

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