Thursday 15 January 2015


I'm not too sure that I know or understand karma but tonight we were taken out for dinner, picked up driven there and had dinner and drinks paid for all because we gave friends tickets that we received as part of our volunteer work at the tennis.

We couldnt use them as we were working and it made sense to us to give them to someone who could use them with no thought of a "pay back" as it were, is that karma? I don't know.

Dinner was very nice, we went to a different place that neither couple had been too before and we decided between ourselves that we would all have a different meal off the menu and compare, at one stage it looked like we were all going to have a seafood basket.

I opted for warm Thai beef salad, my goodness what a meal that was, massive, I was still eating way after everyone else was finished, i did not have dessert. One seafood basket was ordered another big meal, tempura prawns and fettuccine and mushroom cabonara, the last two also had dessert, cheese cake and chocolate cake with cream and dessert were large as well. We had all ordered off the "light meals" thank goodness, varied in price from $14 to $16.50 with dessert being $6 no matter what was ordered.

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