Saturday 17 January 2015


Knitting sewing and crafting for charity, this was the title of a thread that I read on a forum. They were looking for places to donate to charity, several suggestions came and one that interested me was called something like Angels of the forgotten. It is a group who looks after mainly women and kids who through abuse or whatever have left their homes for a safe place. Often these people leave with nothing so the group try to give them basics hence the charity.

One of my things for 2015 (dont really want to call it a resolution as I know what has happened to those in the past!)is to do more for charity and as this place is close to where we used to live, I have decided to get a box of goodies together to send.Mostly it will be things that I have knitted sewn or crafted.

On their website there is a list with pictures of things that they require and one is "taggies" for want of a better name. They put these on bags that they give out to kids to keep their own things in. I already had a heap of squares that I had cut to match a set of matching squares as a soft toy for kids, the cutting out was fine but the there was lots of sewing and I did make two sets of twenty four before I gave it away to make something easier and quicker. That meant that I still had a pile of these squares. Put two together with a loop of ribbon and sew a fancy button on and its almost done. This morning I got out my hot glue gun and dotted glue on the ribbons and the insides of material to hold together and then there are taggies! Very simple and a pile off my sewing table.

Some of the ribbon used were some hanger straps that I have cut off tops that shops use to hang clothes on hangers, can usually get two loops from one shoulder strap, waste not want not! Glad that I found a use for them

I knew that I had a few beanies from my winter knitting so started the box with those OMG there were thirty Beanies! add a few pairs of pants that I had made which some how missed being delivered to the salvos and the box is already half full.

The last week or so i have been knitting small teddies, less weight and heat to knit while watching tennis, should have a dozen or so of those by the end of the month. The plan is to sent the box at the end of the month. This town/small city does get cold so beanies and scarves will be needed.

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