Tuesday 13 January 2015

Garden produce

So excited I picked my first silver beet from our new garden patch. Arrgh! I have pictures but it seems that I cant upload them (will have to wait until Mr Fix it arrives home). Anyway I was able to pick five of six decent sized leaves from one plant also a few beans. There were several tomatoes too but because of the rain and then the heat they have split badly so I have picked all the split ones and binned them. Hopefully  the new ones that are coming on will be fine. I made my version of fried rice and added our garden produce to it.

My "fried" rice is just rice boiled and I added diced carrots to the rice and then I added the last of the diced Christmas ham, half a tin of sweet corn (I had used the other half for a salad) and sliced silver beet and our beans. I don't fry it or use any oil, made us lunch and I have two more meals (2 x 2) for the freezer for those days or nights that I don't feel like cooking.

I also picked three egg plants, they are producing again, and added them to some chicken thighs and a pre packaged chicken korma sauce, hoping that it is okay for Warren as with the four chicken thighs and extra vegetables, it made four meals for the freezer. We both like Indian meals esp the Kormas and at $3.80 for the sauce, should be a good alternative to buying a take away or going for a sit down meal.

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