Tuesday 22 November 2022

Train to the Gold Coast

 The Gold coast has a light rail which opened about six years ago. We had always said that we should go down and ride it.

We had the following Friday or Tuesday after Mousetrap free and the weather was not too hot.

Friday it was, we caught the train here, changed in Brisbane, went as far as we could then changed to the light rail. Both trains took about fifty minutes and the light rail about twenty minutes.

Got off at Main beach and it seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, but we followed some people and in two blocks we were in the middle a couple of streets with wall to wall cafes and stores. 

We had not realised it was Remembrance Day but in the street, they played the Last post and most people stood for the minutes silence. I was surprised to see that 5he ones who didn't were around our age.

Enjoyed our lunch then made our way back to the station, the light rail seems to go every few minutes so not long to wait.

We were home again by 4pm

Light rail
On the light rail, smaller than the train
Dogs on the street.

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