Wednesday 23 November 2022

Covid day two

 Warren has always said that it wasn't a amatter of if we catch Covic but when.

Out to dinner with friends on Saturday night and he tested positive on Sunday morning. We cancelled everything for the week just in case as it was the closest we had been to a covid case. Monday morning we tested and it was negative.

I washed the bedclothes, not the usual day and disinfected our room. Warren felt a bit off in the afternoon and at 5pm, he tested positive. I was fine but started getting cold like symptoms overnight, sure enough got two lines on the covid test.

Warren had arranged a telehealth call to get the antivirus meds, I drove him to the chemist as his muscles were sore, he said he felt like he had been battered with a baseball bat. After a 30 minute wait, I was grateful that it was only 4 KMs toget home.  Panadol and bed for both of us.

Funny that our symptoms are different, his is muscles soreness, mine are cough, sneeze and congestion with a high temp as well. We got up for a couple of hours before heading back to bed at 6.30pm.

Warren walked Lucy this morning only a short walk and said that when he came past the shops he wondered he would make it home. He slept for an hour after. I got up and had a shower but after washing and drying myself, I didn't have the energy to get dressed. I did finally get dressed about 20 minutes later. The word that comes to mind is weary, that's what we both feel like but today is better than yesterday, not by much though.

I made scrambled eggs for lunch, felt good to eat something. Tonight we are back in bed by 7pm. Lack of energy is the main thing but we will get through it.

Our friend ended up in hospital but did get released today.

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