Friday 11 November 2022

Eats in the mountains

 I wanted to go and have lunch at the beach while the weather was nice. Checking out our options as well as the tides. Lunch time shown that the tides would be out and so we would only be able to see mud flats.

Change of plan, we will go inland up in the hills.

Now, are we having morning tea or lunch,? It's Sunday so could be busy, maybe we will go early to avoid the crowds at lunch. 

The cafe is just off the side of the road up to one of the Glasshouse mountains, no real car park but there is a pull off area. We had to park down the lot a bit as there were a dozen or so motor bikes parked out the front. Queue to order and then told there was a forty minute wait. 

Nice scenery.
Good coffee.

If it was a 40 min wait, it went quickly
Warren surprised me with the order, eggs Benny and strawberry cheesecake, we shared.
A vintage car even made it up the hill.
Rained on the way home so pleased we went early.

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