Saturday 5 November 2022

It's November

 That means national novel writing month, nano for short.

I had tossed around a few ideas and didn't sign on until Monday 31 Oct, still not sure if my idea had enough legs to make it to 50,000 words.

First day and we were out in the morning, dropped into a cafe on the way home for lunch. Finally sat down at the computer to start my thirteenth novel. It took me three hours to get 1100 words down, needed 1665 a day. I had emptied my emails, read some stuff and bought gifts online.

In previous years I had started slow and then built up to about 2k words a day so no need for concern. Wednesday was much the same with only 900 or so written.

Thursday is my crochet day so after lunch I sat down, read over what Ihad written and realised that is wasn't very good, all conversation. Then I had a light bulb moment, I didn't have to do it so shut the computer down and walked out of the study, feeling a weight off my shoulders. Definitely done for this year, maybe nano is finished for me for all time time will tell.

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