Saturday 26 November 2022

Covid day four/five

 Well, I thought I had mild symptoms but as the days go by, still feeling blah. Sleep seems to be the key and we have done a lot of that. Watching the Davis Cup tennis on TV a couple of days ago but it was easy to rest the eyes and snooze as well.

Panadol, decongestants and soothers have been centre stage. Good to have a healthy pantry and fridge not that there is much eating happening.

The last two nights I have had trouble sleeping due to coughing.  I do feel as though I am almost though it. Warren says that he is practically back to normal and thought his test was clear this morning only for the positive line to appear after a few minutes. I am about 12 hours behind him so looking forward to tomorrow when I will take a test.

Son and grandson offered to come and shop for us which we didn't need anyway, they are currently mowing the lawns. It's weird that they are outside and we are in but can't afford to get closer. Even though we have been vaccinated covid is not much fun at all.

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