Friday 29 January 2021

Morning walk.

Photo was not taken this morning.
Warren went to deliver the car for a service and then on to tennis.
Lucy decided it was time for me to get up at 7.15am

I showered, had breakfast then called her inside to go walking. We left about 8am.

I always tell her where we are going, around here we have a few different walks and I have assigned them names.

Today, it was the birdies walk so Lucy turns left at the end of the street but she kept wanting to walk down and into the drain. We don't walk there. After 20 metres when she was back on the path, she planted her feet. She wasnt going anywhere. I was going to have to drag her.  She got the choice, go on or go home, I know its weird conversing with a dog so I pointed in the directions. A stand off for a few seconds and she turned to go back home. Fine, I thought she might want to continue up the road but no, she turned up our street. This mornings walk was no more than fifteen minutes. Usually we go for forty.  


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