Friday 1 January 2021

Snake skins

 Yesterday we went to Dayboro for a few caches and morning tea. There is a great bakery out there and seating on the two sides of the balconey.

It's a nice country drive to get there and we continued on through the town to a small park, where there was a possibilty to collect four caches. The first one was tucked away in the base of a big tree, we had had to walk 150 metres from the carpark and Warren let Lucy of her lead as it was in a quiet area and noone else around. She loves being able to run free but she always keeps us in sight. 

Next cache was a puzzle that I had solved months ago and we had to walk under a  bridge, the road was above us by about ten metres. Getting close to pylons, I saw a snake skin that had been shed. It was only a small one maybe a foot long and about the size of my thumb. Thankfully the area was quite clear so we could definitely see where we were putting our feet.

Coffee time after all and we sat in the park with Lucy.  We grabbed another two caches on the way out of town, there are about ten or eleven puzzles that I have solved to pick up. The geo art makes a heart so once we get them all it will revert to a pretty smilie heart.

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