Wednesday 27 January 2021

Fare Evasion

 The other day after masks were no longer required, I went for a haircut. I thought it was 1pm on Friday, then realised it was 1am. Warren was going to tennis so we arranged to meet at the shopping centre for coffee, I would catch the bus down. 

I hadn't caught the bus for several months so decided to get my bus pass out ready. Damn, not in my phone, not in my wallet, time was ticking. There was a spare adult card on the notice board, goodness only knew how old it was or if it had any money on it. Great, I did have a few dollars in coin so I was set. Wandered down to the bus stop to await the bus.

Bus pass had expired so I asked the driver how much to go to the shopping centre. He didnt laugh but almost as he told me that buses hadnt operated on money for several years. He told that he would put it down as fare evasion and I should go to the station to sort it out. Buggar, that meant I had to go another stop further.

Explained the situation to the assistant and bought a new card. Then I asked her what I needed to do about the "Fare evasion" and she asked who told me that then without giving me a chance to answer said "Oh, the bus driver!" Then told me I didn't need to worry about it. 

Getting home later, I went through my handbags, it was in the fourth and last one, I only have four! 

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