Friday 1 January 2021

Fingerless gloves

 The day started early for me, Warren went to tennis and I had asked him to wake me when he went. I love my sleep ins but if it's hot then its really too hot to walk Lucy at 9am.

It was cool when we set out then I did what I wanted/needed to do in the house. A nice coffee and an espiode of Virgin River, a series I have been watching. Damn it appears I have watched all of season two. Hum, it would have to be Jack Irish  which is almost an hour long. Watched one, then another Warren came home and got interested and so we watched another while we had lunch.

Between my morning of Netflix and tonight, I finished a pair of gloves. I think I will do more of these, they are easy but the pattern only just fits me. I do have rather large hands but I will add another couple of chains so they fit better.

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