Friday 1 January 2021

Happy new Year

 The change of year is not going to make Covid suddenly disappear but hopefully we are getting closer to Covid being less of a threat with the vaccine becoming a lot closer.

We had a quiet night at home and went to bed early as per usual. Before we went to bed, we unpacked the pantry, strange time to do it I know but we discovered a mouse, we assume, was trying to get in there. I had been out in the kitchen and noticed some flakes on the floor, I showed Warren and we decided that a mouse was chewing at the edge of the pantry door, the flakes were paint flakes. Didn't find a mouse but there was a box of noodles on the floor, a couple of packages had holes in them and lots of loose noodles.

We didn't find anything but that and thankfully no mouse droppings so he is not living in there. Our pantry door is usually left open but Warren had closed it when he put the dishwasher on.

Apparently Lucy came into our room around midnight, Warren said he woke and saw

her with her ears up and eyes like saucers. She could hear the fireworks, they didn't last 

very long.

Park run was on this morning and Warren run a PB for the year!

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