Sunday 10 January 2021

Lock down

 Suddenly on Friday morning  our state govt announced a lock down from three days starting from 6pm. 

Only allowed to go out for essential services and exercise  then needed to wear a mask once out of the front door.

We had had one case of a cleaner at a quarantine hotel testing positive and another case of a woman coming back from overseas, she had tested positive, been in quarantine in Melbourne for ten days, cleared, flew to Brisbane where she tested positive. Both these people have the nasty strain that is hitting the UK at the moment.

I was due to do grocery shopping on Saturday but went Friday lunchtime instead. It seemed many other people thought the same. After I got my trolley, there were only two left, didn't appear to be that many in the actual shops but the queues for the check outs were 20 deep at each aisle. Empty boxes lined the shelves as they were struggling to keep some staples on the shelves. I got everything that I wanted except pumpkin and I grabbed some sweet potato instead.

Warren has taken Lucy out for a walk, I have gone outside to our bins a couple of times. Got some tasks done that have been sitting around for awhile and watched cricket and crochet.

We have an apt to do our tax on Wednesday, we may or may not make that, time will tell. Going to have a nana nap now, with tv and crocheting my eyes are sore.

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