Wednesday 28 October 2020


 Oh, boy had we had a time of it with storms. Since Saturday we have had six maybe seven, currently the third one for the day is happening. 

We have missed a few and only received some rain. 20ml yesterday and yet places to the south, east and west of us about 20kms received over a 100ml. 

Poor Lucy is terrified of storms, she is better than she was but still not good.

She is sitting on the bed with me as she can get closer to me than Warren, he is in the lounge and she can only get under his chair. It's unusual that she gets on the bed and stays there.

She has her head turned to the door, not sure if she is turning away from the window or if she is keeping an eye on Warren. She pants and drools while the storm is happening so she has a towel under her head. I dare say we will be washing the doona cover tomorrow

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