Sunday 4 October 2020

Bowen part two.

 After the tyre blow out we headed back to Bowen for new tyres. Bridgestone place  had a couple of jobs in front of us so we went for a walk and a coffee.

This was down at the jetty. We didn't walk out there as it was blowing a slight gale.
Some nice old buildings, we were debating if it was a bank in a former life, I opted for a court house. Around the corner and yep, it was the court house.
These palms look like they have the fruit of a pineapple, wouldnt want to be under one when it fell.

Back to Bridgestone and the guy asked if it was windy at the jetty, when we said yes, he went on to tell us that the town used to be called Blowen because of the wind. Warren told him he was talking bull...... but he insisted that he was correct. It was only changed to Bowen when there was a massive wind that blew the L right out of it! Bloody hell, and I thought he was telling us about the history of the place. 

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