Wednesday 21 October 2020

Snakes and lizards

 It is that time of the year.

Warren was walking Lucy the other afternoon and used a shortcut path, a snake slipped along the path in front of him and went into the undergrowth. 

There are houses nearby with kids so he knocked on the door and told them what he had seen. 

I am always on the lookout but hadnt seen a snake in about three years when I nearly stepped on one in the bush. Prior to that it had been years and years since I had seen a snake, probably back when I was a kid on the farm.

This morning Lucy and I were out early, earlier than usual as it is starting to get hot so I need to get going before it gets too hot and I saw a blue tongue lizard just off the side of the path. It could have been a stumpy as it was short and stout, about a foot long. Lucy noticed it after me and was interested but I pulled her away and we kept going.

It's nice walking in the shade of the trees but sometimes it's easy to miss seeing things.

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