Sunday 11 October 2020

Our last night of our trip.

 From Mackay we were going to take three days to get home. We got to Marlborough where the jade was for an early lunch. ( PHOTO now)

Warren says we are making good time, we could go on for another hour, pulling up at 4pm and then that would give us 400k to home. I offered to drive but he said he was fine So we packed up lunch and continued.

The camp site that he had chosen looked deserted when we got there, we did need fuel so I was tasked to check out the caravan park which I couldn't see any. It is a bush stop at the start of a small national park called Cossulum park. A roadhouse with some motel rooms and in front if them was space for three caravans. We could have power but no water as they operated on rain water. It was the cheapest at $20. Probably the noises as we were that far off the main highway but the noise was kind of comforting, certainly didn't keep me awake yet we were both awake early 5.30am. It felt a bit cold as well. We had coffee inside the camper and as we didn't unpack much we left at 6.20am. 
The back road as we left, the couple who lived at one end of the motel rooms was heading to work/open the roadhouse as the top of the van was coming down so we were able to give them back the key for the shower/toilet. It was like having an ensure except we had to go down a few steps to the next level.

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